Embark on an authentic and transformative journey with Satya Loka.
Yoga Alliance Certified
Our teacher trainings are renowned and create confident and experienced Yoga teachers.
Traditional Yoga & Lineage based Tantra
Experience and grow through a traditional, authentic science of Yoga and Tantra.
Supportive Payment Plans & Free Offerings
We are in this as dedicated people wishing to help others. Connect with us as friends and not customers.
9 – 29, September
Choose your dates
Olympus Retreats
Location: Mount Olympus, Greece
Enhance your wellbeing by retreating with us at Holy Mount Olympus, as part of a group or exclusive private one on one retreats.
7 – 30 September
Yogini 200HR TTC for Women
Location: Olympus beach, Greece
This Yoga and Tantra teacher Yoga Alliance certified training is an invitation to study and embody the deeper aspects of Yoga through the feminine way.
Advance your teaching and personal practice with 80-hour studies and a deepening retreat in Yoga and Tantra. YACEP acredited.
1 – 10
Navaratri Tantra Sadhana and Meditation Retreat
Location: Mount Olympus, Greece
Dive deep into Meditation practices from Ancient scriptures and immerse in authetnic Tantra Sadhana during the auspicious time of Navaratri.
Join Anytime
50HR Sharabh Yog Advanced Online Study
Location: Online
Study more adavanced Yoga, Pranayam & Meditation with our 50-hour online mentorship module, this can also be incliuded as part of the 300-hour Sharabh Yog TTC.
19 December – 15 January
Sharabh Yog 300HR Yoga Initiation & Teacher Training
Location: Shivoham Tantra Ashram, Saoner, India
There is no other Yoga and Kriya empowerment like this. This is an initiation and training for exisitng Yoiga teachers or seasoned practitioners.
15 March –
11 April
Yogini Tantrika 200HR TTC & Pilgrimage for Women
Location: Rishikesh, India
The life of a Yogini experienced through a Yoga and Tantra teacher training and pilgrimage, by the banks of the Holy River Ganga in India.
Any time
Community Membership
Location: Online
Be a part of an authentic yogic community and elevate your practice and teaching with our in-depth membership programs
Olympus Private Retreats
Location: Mount Olympus, Greece
Experience a retreat designed just for you and your journey. Have our exclusive care and personalised guidance.
Tantra Mantra Sadhana with Guruji
Location: Mount Olympus, Greece
Take a safe authentic initiation into Tantra with the renowned master Guruji and his wife Guruma of Shivoham Tantra.
Avalon Yogini Sadhana Pilgrimage & Retreat
Location: Avalon, UK
A Yoga journey and pilgrimage in the sacred sites of the Avalon Tor. This unique retreat also includes traditioonal tantric sadhana with the Goddess Durgha.
Traditional Tantra is an ancient path of spirituality, that embraces energy and life and the feminine nature.It is a world of exploration and discovery using a myriad of meditation practices and rituals that serve to bring more consciousness. The practices we teach are ancient tools that have been preserved, we feel blessed to have received them from our Guru, and it is our life’s purpose to share them with you.
At Satya Loka we believe personal Sadhana is the clearest and most direct way to reveal the truth.
Fire Yagna
Yagna is a sacred fire ceremony traditional to the Tantric and Vedic systems of India.
Yantra & Mantra
Yantra and Mantra is energy in the form of light and sound, both are sacred tools in Tantra.
Sanskar & Shodhan
The process of Sanskar and herbal medicines combined with the use of Mantra.
Ancient Traditional Tantrik Kriyas that enable deeper energy activation.
“I’m very touched and grateful to have been in Radasi’s presence. It’s been transformative for me to experience her human-ness and grace, which comes through all she does because she really walks the path and embodies the teachings fully. I have learned so much in all the different contexts. So often it feels that Radasi is moving in prayer which I really appreciate.”
Satya Loka provides more than just a Yoga teaching certification, it offers a transformative developmental experience. Grounded in Radasi’s authentic devotion to her students and her yogic lineage, the experienced and supportive teachers at Satya Loka will help you explore the depths of Yoga, and of your Self.
The teacher training course with Satya Loka was an amazing experience! A beautiful journey into Yoga, Traditional Tantra, self inquiry and self discovery. We are not just taught how to teach, but in this month, we also go through our own cleansing and purification processes which brings us to a much deeper understanding of the devotional side of Yoga, our own spirituality and the importance of love and connection.
The teacher training course was a holistic and complete immersion in traditional Yoga, with authentic practices passed down to us from the Guru. The mix of the well-known physical Yoga alongside some of the less well-known breathing exercises, cleansing practices, chanting Sanskrit Mantra, making a charged Yantra and the beautiful Hridaya meditation – learning to go into the spiritual heart – were together a magical mix for our transformation over the rich month we had together.
I have been practising Yoga for 23 years and teaching for more than ten years and it was high time for me to deepen my practice following the teachings of traditional Tantra Yoga. So I took the chance! Ra Lalita Dasi and Yorgos Mazarakis, have been really generous in transmitting to us the profound ancient Tantra teachings. Through them I felt the energy of a vast ancestral knowledge and wisdom unfolding. I was also trained to be disciplined during challenging periods of silence performing Pratyahara.
“I am very grateful for all that I’ve learned, shared and experienced here. This is more than just a Yoga TTC. This is a life changing course, very complete and very intense in the most beautiful way. It is a process where you will dive into your higher and lowest self, with integral guidance and support. Radasi is much more than a teacher. She has true wisdom. Together with love, compassion and support, she shares this gift with her students, ensuring we feel ready on all levels to share this deep knowledge with the world.”
“Radasi embodies herself. This isn’t just her way of making a living, it is her living. She teaches from doing not because she reads a lot, but that her experiences put many of the philosophical questions into a real world, applicable context. Sharing how to actually create a life on this path rather than teaching out of a book. Radasi is one of the most powerful and inspiring teachers that I have ever had. It is much more than teaching yoga, it’s about embodying the teachings and finding your voice.”
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Radasi and Yorgos Aryavrat belong to an Indian Traditional Tantra Lineage and receive direct guidance from their Guru, Guruji RajKumar Baswar, together they have 60 years experience in Yoga and Spirituality.
After meeting in the Shivoham Tantra Ashram in India 2017, they married a few months later and since this time they live between India and Greece. Their school Satya Loka originally founded in 2011 by Radasi, has supported countless people in diving deeper into their true nature, and integrating this in their everyday life.
Their own Sadhana has progressed over the years through the Kaula, Mischra and Samaya Tantra, and through their personal commitment to the path they are initiated to offer beginner to advanced levels in Tantra and Yoga. Teaching mostly from the right hand practices of Tantra, using mainly Mantra, Yantra, Yagna, Yoga and Kriya infused with devotion, and a down to earth friendly approach.
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Satya Loka School 2011-2024
Mount Olympus