Available date options  

21st – 30th  August  (9 nights)
21st – 27th  August  (7 nights)
21st – 25th  August  (5 nights)
21st – 23rd  August  (3 nights)

*Or you can choose your preferred dates from 21st to 30th August.  

Reconnect with Yourself in pure Nature

Retreat for 3 , 5 or 7 days and immerse yourself in the sacred lands of Mount Olympus.

Retreats tailored for Your Unique Needs

Flexible schedules carefully designed to resonate with your personal journey. 

Safe and Caring Space for you to relax

Be held by experienced teachers and retreat hosts, dedicated to your comfort and growth.

Join Yorgos and Radasi on the east side of Holy Mount Olympus in the northern mainland of Greece, situated in a remote, quiet village. The setting is a traditional-style Greek guesthouse that offers a very comfortable and welcoming stay.

Start the day with the sun rising over forests and sea, and ease into a flexible and nurturing retreat schedule, experiencing sanctuary and reconnection to your natural state of inner peace.

Mount Olympus, known worldwide as the abode of the ancient Greek gods, continues to inspire awe with its magical beauty and presence. This majestic mountain, reaching 3,000 meters, descends towards the Aegean Sea, which is just a 30-minute drive from our retreat place.



Wholesome Greek meals for health and nourishment.

A perfect quiet place in pristine nature.

Daily yoga, pranayama, and mini meditation sessions.

Free time for rest and spaciousness.

A flexible retreat schedule tailored to your needs.

Art materials available for your creative expression.

Visits to old forest streams, waterfalls, and pools.

Trips to quiet spots on the local beaches.

Local nature walks to rarely used churches that house unique holy wall paintings of the Orthodox tradition.



1 hour counselling session, with qualified and trained counsellor

Reiki healing session, with level 3/Master level healer

Aroma massage with intuitive and trained masseuse 

* The above sessions are offered at a sliding scale of 50 – 90 euros extra, and can be requested during the retreat 

An optional 1 day trek during the retreat to the slopes of Olympus
{prior booking required and organised for you with a professional guide}


8am Yoga, movement, breathing, relaxation, and meditation
9am Breakfast
10am Visit to the beach, nature walk, or free time
1:30pm Lunch
3-4pm Optional Yoga Nidra
4-5pm Free time
5:00-6:00pm Optional Yoga and breathing Exercises
6:00pm Dinner & free time

7-day retreat optionally includes:
3 visits to the beach and 3 nature walks

5-day retreat optionally includes:
2 visits to the beach and 2 nature walks

3-day retreat optionally includes:
1 visit to the beach and 1 nature walk



To secure your spot a non-refundable deposit of €200 is required. We understand that life can be unpredictable, so in exceptional circumstances, we may consider transferring your deposit to another course or retreat within Satya Loka. However, if the deposit is made through third-party platforms, we must maintain a strict non-refundable policy.

The final balance is paid 2 weeks prior to the retreat, or potentially upon arrival. 


We understand the travel can feel daunting, so we’re here to offer support every step of the way.

The closest airport to the venue is Thessaloniki, and the closest towns to us are Litochoro and Leptokarya, it is easily approachable by train or bus from Athens and Thessaloniki. The distance from Thessaloniki is 1,5 hours and from Athens 3,5 hours. Buses are reliable, cheap and comfortable. Trains are excellent but connect only the big cities and are not as frequent as the buses.

Tips: We’ll create a WhatsApp group where we’ll provide guidance and support in booking your journeys to make sure your journey is safe and smooth. 


Radasi Aryavrat

Radasi walks her talk and lives a life immersed in Yoga, traditional Tantra, meditation, devotion and ritual with a commitment to truth and personal growth. She shares more than 16 years experience as a teacher in Hatha, Tantra and Kundalini Yoga and her personal practice spans 26 years.

She is a seasoned tantric practitioner and a senior teacher at Shivoham Tantra, entrusted by the lineage to transmit the advanced system of Sharabh Yog.

Radasi is loved for her honest, intuitive, down to earth and caring way of being. 

Yorgos Aryavrat

From the early age of seventeen Yorgos began meditating, pursuing spiritual efforts and deepening his studies in Orthodox mysticism and gnostic Christianity. On the path of awareness he has always been interested in direct experiencing and understanding the inner life than perusing through intellect and reading. He was initiated into to the Kriya Yoga lineage and practices, which complimented and deepened his previous experiences. 

Now Yorgos is an initiated teacher of Shivoham Tantra, and dedicates himself to holding in-depth meditation retreats with his deep presence and calm nature, people simply feel at home.


“No video could have shown and explained how magnificently Ra Lalita was holding the space for our group, how she is guiding us individually through our emotional and spiritual journey and how authentically and naturally she is sharing the gifts of the tantric Yoga practice. Not only was I taught how to safely and properly guide students throughout an Asana Yoga class, we also learned the mantras, developed a great understanding for the Yoga philosophy and the traditional tantric teachings were superbly facilitated. She also gave great importance to share with us tools of introspection and self inquiry – a most valid foundation for a serious Yoga teacher aspirant.”

Felicia Hayden, Austria

“From creating a sacred Yantra, to Fire Ceremonies, Sacred Dance, Mantra, Pranayama and more. Ra Lalita has her own wonderful, unique way of teaching, she teaches with a lot of wisdom, grace and great sense of humour! And she cares deeply for everyone who takes this journey with her. The guest teachers were also amazing and each one brought something very special to the course. If you are looking for authentic teachings and a truly amazing TTC experience where you will gain knowledge and confidence to go out and teach immediately.”

Debbie Caruso, UK

“Throughout this intense and fruitful experience, the loving kindness, sensitivity and constant support of Ra Lalita Dasi and her equanimity and ability to see deeper in you, creates a safe and trusting environment where one is able to open his/her heart and immerse in love. I am very grateful for this wonderful journey. My decision to attend this specific TTC with Satya Loka has been proved to be the best choice. Right now I am receiving the fruits of this decision.”

Christina Georgiou, Cyprus


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Satya Loka School 2011-2024


Mount Olympus