Importance and Benefits of the Shiv Sutras
The Shiv Sutras, timeless aphorisms that guide us to the awareness, recognition, and remembrance of our infinite nature and undying essence, hold immense value in spiritual learning.
Origins of the Shiv Sutras
These divine teachings trace back to Lord Shiva who revealed them in a dream to sage Vasugupta. Upon awakening, Vasugupta discovered these teachings at the summit of a nearby mountain. This collection of 77 aphorisms, also known as the “Shiva Sutras of Vasugupta”, serve as one of the most important key sources for Kashmir Shaivism.
Spiritual Significance
These divine scriptures provide support, wisdom, and guidance for spiritual seekers, enabling a deeper inward journey towards the Self, or the Atman. They function as a divine window into unconditional bliss, peace, and unwavering truth, bringing one closer to the direct realization of one’s true nature and its inherent wholeness.
Moreover, the Sutras help in curbing an over-stimulated mind, enabling one to pause in the continuous chain of turbulent thinking, and bring peace and calm. They connect the individual not only to his core essence, but also to the cosmic mind and beyond, strengthening their cosmic connection.
Impact and Global Influence
The Shiv Sutras, connecting the individual to both their core and the larger cosmos or the Big Mind, attract seekers from various cultures and different walks of life worldwide. It helps one delve into a space beyond the impermanence of words, sounds, and form, allowing exploration of the subtle realms of consciousness and the infinite serenity within.
The Origins of Vedic Mantras
The Sanskrit Roots
In Sanskrit, the word “mantra” derives from “manas” signifying the cognitive linear thinking mind, and “tra” implying transfer or transport. Therefore, mantras serve as instruments aiding in the liberation from the constraints of the mind by transporting the limited mind to higher awareness.
Purpose and Effects
Mantras, created by sages and practitioners of Buddhism and Hinduism, date back to Vedic times and are thousands of years old. They are traditionally used to cultivate awareness, elevated connection, and intention. These sacred sounds bring shakti and universal power into one’s being, opening and connecting to universal consciousness.
Resonance and Vibration
Each mantra possesses a specific vibration frequency, resonating with a specific energy of nature. Chanting the mantra activates this resonance, bringing the energy into our system, and activating certain points in our Kundalini. By repeatedly chanting these sacred sounds, we create energy within us and connect with the divine energies of the universe.
Personal Mantras: Chanting Techniques for Vedic Mantras
Setup and Posture
When learning how to chant, two aspects should be considered: voice projection and pronunciation during practice, and the physical body. Initiate your Mantra meditation practice in a quiet space, sitting comfortably with the spine upright and the seat bones evenly planted on the ground. As the vibrations of mantra chanting can be felt throughout the body, a straighter spine ensures easier and more fluid energy flow.
Chanting Procedure
Once in a comfortable position, bring your chosen mantra to mind and begin chanting in a repetitive, steady manner. The mantra can be chanted out loud, silently with the lips and tongue still moving, or silently in the mind, the last being most effective as it requires greater focus and concentration.
When your attention drifts away from the repetition of the mantra, gently bring it back to repeating the chosen mantra. It is vital to chant with awareness of the meaning and effect of the mantra and to do so with faith and focus. Once ready to complete the chanting, let go of the mantra and return your attention to the physical sensations in the body or the breath.